
Flying in a hot air balloon: 7 tips

In a hot air balloon, there are no instruments, so pilots rely on their experience and eyeballing. And flying a hot air balloon in fog makes this activity very challenging. And in heavy fog, you can’t fly at all. You have to catch the moment when the fog begins to clear and the sun is not too high.

So here are some tips to make your ballooning trip more comfortable.

  1. First and most importantly, if you are planning to fly in a hot air balloon during your vacation – plan your flight for the beginning of it. You never know what the weather will be on the appointed day. So, consider the possibility that the flight may be canceled due to weather conditions. And you should be able to reschedule it for another day.
  2. Take sunglasses with you. It sounds silly, but since you’ll be leaving the house after dark, it’s easy to forget them (like I did) and once the sun comes up, you’ll wish you had left your sunglasses at home.
  3. dress like cabbage – in layers. The time of year only determines the number of layers. But regardless of the season during your adventure, the temperature swings can be palpable. And you should be able to take off extra clothes – if it gets hot, or insulated – if you freeze.
  4. Tie your belongings to yourself in case you accidentally drop them during the flight or landing. This includes, sunglasses, cameras and phones and so on.
  5. Set TWO alarm clocks – if you have a morning flight. You have to get up very early, especially in the summer. It’s very easy to oversleep, and a second alarm clock, somewhere, out of reach for a quick turn off, will be extra insurance against that for you.
  6. Keep in mind that after your flight, you’ll have a special airplane breakfast with “bubbly” and candy to celebrate your first flight. So it’s best to arrive at the rendezvous point with a driver or cab.
  7. Wear shoes that you won’t feel bad about getting a little dirty. And pants that you can easily move around in. Most likely, the launch and landing of the balloon will take place somewhere in the middle of the field, and there are often cows grazing in the fields, with all the consequences that come with that.)) Also, wear comfortable jeans or sweatpants, as you will need to climb into the balloon basket, and after the flight, get back out. The basket has special steps, but you will need some dexterity in order to get in and get out.